on the site of OverdeKunst.nl reaching out to 3000 schools in the Netherlands


we put your works on the site at arpsgallery:

1. While your works are on in the window gallery we put your work also on the arpsgallery site during that month.

2. We also provide you with an email invatation of the window-show so you can invite relations to come and visit in case that they are in Amsterdam.
3. we make pictures of the windows-exhibition and that you can use on your site or in your biography.
4. when you sell during the window exhibition there is no commission for arpsgallery.

at www.overdekunst.nl (aboutart)

In general this is a cultural educational program. Schools receive a governmental donation per alumn, this is called the CultuurKaart.
Schools can do as they wish but have to use it for a cultural program:go to theatre, musea, invite an artist, etc.

Our gallery is the only one in the Netherlands that has the permission to work with this Culture Card Fund (because of our educational backround) so the school may also decide to buy art at the wall.

The procedure is that the school decides to use a certain amount of the money from this general cultural budget.
Selected students to form an Art Comittee and receive an online offered instruction package on how to decide about art and how to start a collection for the school. In this package is the site OverdeKunst included.

Pupils select on: budget, on technique and on style.
We help them through the decision procedure. Sometimes the alumni want to give a commission to an artist and than we organize a pitch.

The rules for the artists are:
We put your work on this school site for a year. In case we sell to a school, they make an administrative order to a certain protected system and after receiving the money we send the
artwork (usually we bring it ourselves.) The school has the right to return the work within 7 days ... that is part of the internet salesregulation) anyway this never happened.
The school pays for the transport. The gallery pays for the insurance. The gallery (we) receive 35 % of the price of the artpiece and we pay 5 % to this national Fund. The artist receives the 65 %.

We put a selection of 10 pics on the website www.overdekunst.nl, your bio, a portrait and an artists statement.

So if you don´t want to participate, just tell us and we get you off the site. Soon we will come with an english translation of the formal agreement.

We think that this is all to your profit and for both of us an extra opportunity for sales. But it is not at all an obligation to participate.

The entrance fee is only once:35 euro administration, 50 euro webmaster costs, 
yearly 25 euro membership

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